Proposed title: Sanctified Entitlement: A Review of Evangelical Literature’s Teachings on Consent, Female Sexual Obligation, and Male Sexual Entitlement.
Research question: How is consent portrayed in evangelical resources about marriage and sex? What are the potential implications of evangelical teachings about sex when it comes to sexual autonomy?
Utilizing a systematic review of evangelical literature on marriage and sex, this paper will investigate teachings about consent, sex as marital obligation, and marital rape. Anecdotes in best selling evangelical books which describe coerced sex without labelling it as such will be identified and analyzed. Researchers will describe themes in evangelical literature which are opposed to the idea of free enthusiastic consent as a bedrock of sexual ethics.
The paper will incorporate statistics on women's sexual function and sexual satisfaction from the SFSS (Sexual Function and Satisfaction Survey), archived on the ARDA (Association of Religious Data Archives) to describe the impact of these works on women's lived experience of sexuality.
Electronic access to identified works on Kindle will be provided. Joanna Sawatsky will provide data tables from the SFSS.
This project has a budget of $2500. The money will be paid out on a schedule, as follows:
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