Paper Overview

Proposed title: ‘A few lustful men.’

Research question: Have a generation of men felt unnecessary sexual shame due to fear-based teachings on male sexuality in evangelicalism?


The researcher will contrast the teachings and assertions about male sexuality from Every Man’s Battle, a best-selling (millions of copies sold) evangelical book on the topic with the actual lived experiences of men based on their responses to our survey. The survey included questions specific to the claims in Every Man’s Battle and respondents’ answers reveal an interesting disparity between men’s lived experiences and the teachings of evangelicalism on masculinity.

Additionally, the data suggest a gulf exists between men’s perception of their own sexual depravity and their actual patterns of behaviour and thoughts. In other words, many men in religious spaces have internalized a belief that they are far more depraved than their actions or thoughts would suggest.

Results tables from the 2020 survey of men for the Good Guy’s Guide to Great Sex will be provided by Joanna Sawatsky, as will a database of quotes from Every Man’s Battle.

Skills required:

Researcher must be able to:


This project has a budget of $2500. The money will be paid out on a schedule, as follows:

Application ****

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